1. Maria Malliarou, Georgia Gerogianni, Fotoula Babatsikou, Evangelia Kotrotsiou, Sofia Zyga (2014) “Family perception of intensive care unit nurse’s role: A Greek perspective”, Health Psychology Research (2), 994
2. Evangelia Kotrotsiou, Mary Gouva, Sτiliani Kotrotsiou, Maria Malliarou, Theodosios Paralikas (2014) «Validation of the Greek translation of the Nursing Dimensions Inventory Questionnaire (NDI-35)», Global Journal of Health Science 6, (5), 30-37
3. Vasiliki Stavrou, Avraam Rloumis, Sofia Zyga, Evangelia Kotrotsiou, Despina Sapountzi – Krepia (2014) “Informal Care Provision by the Families to Hospitalized Patients in a Rehabilitation Clinic of Western Greece”, International Journal of Caring Sciences 7 (2), 553-569
4. Ε. Αλμπάνη, Μ. Γκούβα, Ε. Κοτρώτσιου, Κ. Κατσάνος, και άλλοι (2014) «Ψυχολογικά Χαρακτηριστικά γονέων παιδιών που πάσχουν από σακχαρώδη διαβήτη», Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής 31, 1-16
5. Ε. Αλμπάνη, Μ. Γκούβα, Ε. Κοτρώτσιου, Π. Κατσίβελος, και άλλοι (2014) «Αναζήτηση συμπτωμάτων ψυχολογικής δυσφορίας σε γονείς παιδιών που πάσχουν από σακχαρώδη διαβήτη τύπου 1» Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής 31 (4), 427-432
6. Manolis Mentis, Lambros Messinis, Evangelia Kotrotsiou, Nikiforos Agelopoulos, et al (2014) “Efficacy of a support group intervention on psychopathological characteristics among caregivers of psychotic patients”, International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1 (6)
7. Gouva M., Mentis M., Kotrotsiou S., Paralikas T., Kotrotsiou E., (2014) “Anxiety Feelings of a Roma Population in Greece”, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, DOI 10.1007/s10903-014-9979-9
8. Papathanasiou I.V., Tsaras K., Sarafis P., 2014. Views and perceptions of nursing students on their clinical learning environment: Teaching and learning. Nurse Education Today, 34(1): 57-60.
9. Sarafis P., Tsounis A., Malliarou M., Lahana E., 2014. Disclosing the Truth: A Dilemma between Instilling Hope and Respecting Patient Autonomy in Everyday Clinical Practice. Global Journal of Health Science, 6(2):128-137.
10. Bakalis V., Malliarou M., Theofilou P., Zyga S., 2014. Improvement of diabetic patients nursing care by the development of educational programmes. Health Psychology Research, 2:931.
11. S. Kotrotsiou , K. Gourgouliannis , M. Gouva , N. Skenteris “Age and Gender as Determinants of Psychological Health for Roma People in Greece” (2014) International Journal of Caring Sciences September-December 2014 Volume7 Issue 3 p.873-871
12. Κοτρώτσιου Σ, Σκεντέρης Ν ,“Οι πεποιθήσεις των Ρομά για την υγεία και η επίπτωση αυτών στη φροντίδα υγείας”. Διεπιστημονική Φροντίδα Υγείας(2014) Τόμος 6,Τεύχος 1, 18-23
1. Papathanasiou I., Kourkouta L., Sklavou M., 2013. Holistic Nursing Care: Theories and Perspectives. American Journal of Nursing Science, 2(1): 1-5.
2. Lahana E., Niakas D., 2013. Investigating differences in Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of Greeks and immigrant Albanians with the generic EQ-5D questionnaire. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, BioMed Research International, Volume 2013, Article ID 127389, 7 pages
3. Amprachim S.E., Gkegkes I., Papathanasiou I., Kourkouta L., 2013. Factors Associated with Chronic Post Thoracotomy Pain. Balkan Military Medical Review, 16(2): 105-113.
4. Kleisiaris Ch., Maniou M., Papathanasiou I., Sfiniadaki A., Collaku E., Koutsoumpa Ch.,Sarafis P., 2013. The prevalence of depressive symptoms in an elderly population and their relation to life situations in home care. Health Science Journal, 7(4):417-423.
5. Zyga S., Baroutsou P., Prezerakos P., Lazakidou A., Rekleiti M., Malliarou M., 2013. Study on ecological awareness and performance of nursing personnel in dialysis units. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 2(2):80-87.
6. Malliarou M., Sarafis P., Zyga S., Constantinidis T.C., 2013. The Importance of Nurses Hand Hygiene. International Journal of caring Sciences, 6(3):327-331.
7. Sarafis P., Malliarou M., 2013. Cultural self-efficacy of baccalaureate nursing students in a Greek university. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 18(6):446-450.
8. Chandrinou A., Gaitanou K., Exarchos K., Antoniadou D., Tsorbanaki C., Bissias C., Malliarou M., 2013. Rating of Patient Satisfaction Factors in a Clinical Hyperbaric Centre of a Greek Navy Hospital. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 6(1): 69-77.
9. Chandrinou A, Exarchos K, Gaitanou K, Saraphis P, Malliarou M. 2013 Working conditions of nurses in a hyperbaric chamber and the stress they experience. Health & Work, 4 (2): 173-194.
10. Varoutsou P, Malliarou M, Zyga S, Constantinidis TC. 2013 Ecological waste management in dialysis units. Health & Work 2013, 4 (2): 209-216
11. Karkasina A, Prezerakos P, Jordanoglou D, Egoumenidis M, Malliarou M, Zyga S. 2013 Perceptions of healthcare professionals for colleague confidentiality. A descriptive study. Interscientific Health Care 2013, 5 (1): 19-28.
12. Athanasopoulou M, Kaitelidou D, Zyga S, Malliarou M, Kalokairinou A. 2013 Cultural and social dimensions of breastfeeding Interscientific Health Care 2013,5(1): 13-18.
1. Makri Α., Kotrotsiou S., Paralikas Th., Kotrotsiou E., Gouva M., Dimoliatis I., 2012. Nursing and medical student’s perceptions of educational environment and their association with hostility dimensions. Medical Teacher (34), 9, 1.
2. Statharou Α., Galatou Ch., Kotrotsiou E. 2012 "The use of humour in the care of the mentally ill" Vima of Asclepius, 11 (1).
3. Kourakos M, Kafkia Th,. Rekleiti M, Zyga S, Kotrotsiou E, Gouva M. 2012 "Study of job satisfaction of caregivers-nurses working in medical ward of Greek National Health Service 'ARCHIVES GREEK MEDICINE 29 (1 ) :61-69
4. Kourkouta L., Papathanasiou I., Georgoysi P., 2012. The First School of Nursing Education in Greece. Education in Medicine Journal, 4(2): 80-84.
5. Kourkouta L., Ippioti D., Papoulia F., Papathanasiou I., 2012. The History of Vostaneio Hospital of Mytilene. Balkan Military Medical Review, 15(2): 81-87.
6. Sarafis P., Τsounis A., Malliarou M., 2012. Euthanasia an active area of research in contemporary bioethics: Challenges for the Society and the professionals of Health-Care. Hellenic Journal of Nursing Science,5(1):21-25.
7. Zyga S., Tsiros H., Malliarou M., Stathoulis J., Babatsikou F., Landaniti M., Tziaferi S., Kalokairinou A., 2012. Intensification of Renal Nurses' Self Esteem. A pilot Study. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 5 (3): 320-327.
8. Malliarou M, Agori A, Saraphis P, Kotrotsiou E. 2012 Quality of Life of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Hellenic Journal of Nursing Science 5(1):45-55..
9. Karathanassi K, Saraphis P Malliarou M, Zyga S, Prezerakos P. 2012 Investigation application of quality criteria in surgery. Perioperative Nursing, 1(2):1-8..
10. Malliarou M, Saraphis P, Karathanassi K, Sotiriadou K, E Moustaka E, Zyga, S. 2012 Reliability of questionnaire FS ICU-24 to assess the satisfaction of family care in the ICU. Health & Work3(1):127-134.
1. Kotrotsiou E., Krommydas G., Papathanasiou I., Kotrotsiou S., Paralikas T., Lahana E., Kiparissi G., 2011. Anxiety and depression in teenagers and young adults with asthma. Health Science Journal, 5(3): 229-236.
2. Papathanasiou I., Damigos D., Mavreas V., 2011. Higher levels of psychiatric symptomatology reported by health professionals working in medical settings in Greece. Annals of General Psychiatry, 10:28.
3. Papathanasiou I., Damigos D., Mavreas V., 2011. Burnout in Greek Medical and Mental Health Care Workers. Global Journal of Health Science, 3(2):206-210.
4. Lahana E., Pappa E., Niakas D., 2011. Do place of residence and ethnicity affect health services utilization? Evidence from Greece. International Journal Equity Health, 26; 10 (1): 16.
5. Papastavrou E., Farmakas A., Karayiannis G., Kotrotsiou E., 2011. Co morbidity of post traumatic stress – disorders and substance use disorders. Health Science Journal, 5(2): 107-117.
6. Togas C., Gouva M., Lahana E, Kotrotsiou E. 2011 'The impact of sense of coherence in mental health of elderly Interscientific Health Care, 3(3).
7. Tsapalos G., Prezerakos P., Kotrotsiou E, Papathanasiou I., Gouva M. 2011 "Methods of transformative learning in Primary Health Care," Nursing 50 (2).
8. Valari C., Kostopoulou S., Perrou C., Kelepouris K., Tsaras K., Gouva M., Kotrotsiou E. 2011 Nurses’ and nursing students’ views regarding the impact of sexually transmitted diseases on their sexual behavior. Interscientific Health Care, 3(2): 81-86.
9. Statharou A., Papathanasiou I ,Gouva M., Masdrakis V., Berk A., Daragiannis D., Kotrotsiou E. 2011 Investigation the burden of mentally ill careers’ Interscientific Health Care, 3(2): 59-69.
10. Zyga S., Malliarou M., Lavdaniti M., Athanasopoulou M., Sarafis P., 2011. Greek Renal nurses’ attitudes towards death. Journal of Renal Care, 37(2):100-107.
11. Zyga S., Christopoulou G., Malliarou M., 2011. Malnutrition-inflammation - atherosclerosis syndrome in patients with end-stage renal disease. Journal of Renal Care, 37(1):12-15.
12. Ioannidi V., Kolovos P., Vasileiadou S., Malliarou M., Travlos A., Zyga S., 2011. Nursing Students’ Perceptions, Beliefs and Attitudes: A First Study on Special Pedagogic Activities. Global Journal of Health Science, 3(1):40-48.
13. Malliarou M., Sarafis P., Sotiriadou K., Serafeim T., Karathanasi K., Moustaka E., Theodosopoulou E., 2011. Greek Nurses Attitudes towards Death. Global Journal of Health Science, 3(1):224-230.
14. Ioannidi V., Kolovos P., Vasiliadou S. Malliarou M., Travlos, A., Zyga, S. 2011 Approach of the concepts of 'illness',' safety health care" and "quality health services" by nursing students. A pilot study. Vima of Asclepius, 10 (3): 389-405.
15. Athanasiadis Th, Tsaras K., Papathanasiou I., Lahana E, Gouva M., Kotrotsiou E. 2011 'Assessment of work stress and alcohol use in mental healthcare professionals' Interscientific Health Care 3 (4) 165-172.
16. Zetta S., Smith K., Jones M., Allcoat P., Sullivan F., 2011. Evaluating the angina plan in patients admitted to hospital with angina: a randomized controlled trial. Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 29(2): 112-124.
1. Lahana E., Pappa E., Niakas D., 2010. The impact of ethnicity, place of residence and socioeconomic status on health-related quality of life : results from Greek health survey. International Journal of Public Health, 55:391-400.
2. Marneras X., Theodorakopoulou G., Albani E, Gouva M., Dimopoulou M., Kotrotsiou E. (2010) 'Job satisfaction and stress levels in nurses working in renal dialysis units' Nursing, 49 (1) : 83-89
3. Balari C, Tsaras K., Kelepouris K., Borou A, Gouva M., Kotrotsiou E. 2010 'Investigation of nursing students’ and professional nurses’ attitudes towards ethical issues of assisted reproduction' Interscientific Health Care, 2(2) 73-8.
4. Vassilopoulos A., Roupa Z.,Wozniak G., Rekliti M., Tsaras K., Papathanasiou I., Gourgoulianis K. 2010 Assessment of knowledge and attitude towards pulmonary tuberculosis in undergraduate nursing students of Applied University in Greece. Interscientific Health Care, 2(2): 79-85.
5. Zetta S., Siamagka E., Basdeki S., Ablianiti E., 2010 Primary nursing in Intensive Care Unit: Measuring nurses’ attitudes. Interscientific Health Care 2(3): 115-121.
1. Tsaras K, Chatzi M, Papathanasiou I, Lahana E, Paralikas Th, Kotrotsiou E. 2009 "Determinants of pressure ulcers frequency in ICU units Interscientific Health Care 1(3) 99-104.
2. Hatzi M., Tsaras K., Papathanasiou I., Lahana E, Paralikas Th, Kotrotsiou E. (2009) Study of the incidence of pressure ulcers in ICU patients Interscientific Health Care 2 (1), 56-60.
3. Tzounis E., Tzouni M., Gouva M, Papastavrou E., Kotrotsiou E, Gourgoulianis K. (2009) 'Spirituality and Religiosity: A qualitative analysis in the general population of Thessaly. Interscientific Health Care, 1(2), 67-76.
4. Georgitziki G., Korakidi D., Kotrotsiou E., Paralikas Th., Sgantzos M., Sapountzi- Krepia D., 2009. Health Education in Secondary Schools in Larissa, Greec. International Journal of Health Science 2(2).
5. Faki M., Gouva M., Papathanasiou, I., Prapa P.M., Pasxou D., Prapa E, Kotrotsiou, E. 2009 Stress in workers in primary care structures Interscientific Health Care, 1(1): 9-15..
6. Roura Z., Gourni M., Kotrotsiou E., 2009. The theory of in focus care, RGK. Health Science Journal, 3 (3).
7. Chatzi Μ., Tsaras Κ, Papathanasiou Ι.., 2009. The prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers Interscientific Health Care, 1(2): 43-50.
8. Roupa Z., Koulouri A., Sotiropoulou P., Makrinika E., Marneras X., Lahana E., Gourni M., 2009. Anxiety and depression in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, depending on sex and body mass index. Health Science Journal, 3(1): 32-40.
9. Nikas M., Sotiropoulou K., Makrinika E., Paralikas T., Papathanasiou I., Lahana E. , Prapa E. , Koulouri A., Roupa Z., 2009 Sociability and the feeling of loneliness of the elderly in the municipalities of Attica. Interscientific Health Care, 1(1): 34-42.