Diploma Supplement

Εκπ.Προσωπικό > Δημοσιεύσεις > Καραγεώργος Αντώνιος
  Δημοσιεύσεις- Καραγεώργος Αντώνιος
Books and Monographs
  1. Brueckner S., G. D. M. Serugendo, A. Karageorgos, and R. Nagpal, (eds). Engineering Self-Organising Systems: Methodologies and Applications . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3464. 2005, Springer Verlag: Berlin.

  2. Serugendo, G. D. M., A. Karageorgos, O. F. Rana and F. Zambonelli, (eds). Engineering Self-Organising Systems: Nature-inspired approaches to software engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2977. 2004, Springer Verlag: Berlin.

  3. Karageorgos, A. Using Role modelling and Synthesis to Reduce Complexity in Agent-Based System Design, PhD Thesis. Dept of Computer Science, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology: Manchester (UMIST), UK. 2003. pp. 219.

Journal Articles
  1. Serugendo, G.D.M., M.-P. Gleizes, and A. Karageorgos, 2006. Self-Organisation and Emergence in MAS: An Overview. Informatica , special issue on "Hot Topics in European Agent Research II", 30, 1 (Jan 2006), p. 45-54.
  2. Hassas, S., Serugendo, G.D.M., Karageorgos, A. and C. Castelfran ci , 2006. On Self-Organising Mechanisms from Social and Business/Economics domains . Informatica, special issue on "Hot Topics in European Agent Research II", 30, 1 (Jan 2006), p. 63-71.
  3. Serugendo, G.D.M., M.-P. Gleizes, and A. Karageorgos, 2005. Self-Organisation in Multi-Agent Systems. Knowledge Engineering Review , 20, 2 (Jun 2005), p. 165-189.
  4. Karageorgos, A., Mehandjiev, N, Hammerle, A. and G. Weichhart, 2003. Agent-Based Optimisation of Logistics and Production Planning . Engineering Applications of Artifi ci al Intelligence, Special Issue on Intelligent Manufacturing , 16, 4, (June 2003), p. 335-348 .
  5. Karageorgos, A., S. Thompson and N. Mehandjiev, 2002. Agent-based system design for B2B electronic commerce , International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Special Issue on Agent Technologies for B2B Electronic Commerce, 7, 1, (Fall 2002), p. 59-90.
  6. Karageorgos, A., N. Mehandjiev and S. Thompson, 2002. RAMASD: A Semi-Automatic Method for Designing Agent Organisations , Knowledge Engineering Review, Special Issue on Coordination and Knowledge Engineering, 17, 4 (Fall 2002), p. 57-84.
Book Chapters
  1. Serugendo , G . D . M ., Foukia , N ., Hassas , S ., Karageorgos , A ., Mostefaoui , S . K ., Rana , O . F ., Ulieru , M ., Valkenaers , P . and C . Van Aart , 2004. Self-Organisation: Paradigms and Applications . In Serugendo, G.D.M., Karageorgos, A., Rana, O.F., and F. Zambonelli (eds). Engineering Self-Organising Systems: Nature-inspired approaches to software engineering. LNAI 2977, Springer Verlag, p. 1-19.
  2. Karageorgos, A . , and N. Mehandjiev, 2004. A Design Complexity Evaluation Framework for Agent-Based System Engineering Methodologies . In Omi ci ni, A., Peta, P. and  J. Pitt (eds), Engineering So ci eties in the Agents World (ESAW 2003), LNCS 3071, Springer Verlag, p. 258-274.
  3. Georgousopoulos, C., Rana, O.F., and A. Karageorgos, 2003, Supporting FIPA Interoperability for Legacy Multi-Agent Systems . In Agent-Oriented Software Engineering IV, Fourth International Workshop (AOSE 2003), Melbourne, Australia, July 15, Giorgini, P., Muller, J.P. and J. Odell (eds), LNCS 2935, Springer Verlag, p. 167-184.
  4. Karageorgos, A., S. Thompson and N. Mehandjiev, 2003. Specifying Reuse Concerns in Agent System Design Using A Role Algebra . In Kowalczyk, R., Muller, J., Tianfield, H. and R. Unland (eds.), Agent Technologies, Infrastructures, Tools, and Applications for e-Services. LNAI 2592, Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, p. 121-136.
Refereed Conferences and Workshops
  1. Konstandinidis, V. and A. Karageorgos, 2005. A Pattern language for FIPA Aagent interface design . EUROCON 2005, The International Conference on "Computer as a tool". Sava Center , Belgrade , Serbia & Montenegro , November 21-24, 2005 , IEEE Press.
  2. Hammerle, A., Karageorgos, A. , Reitbauer, A. and M. Pirker, 2004. A Role-Based Infrastructure for Customised Agent System Development in Supply Networks . IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC'2004), Hague, The Netherlands , 10-13 October, IEEE Press.
  3. Reitbauer, A., Battino, A.,  Karageorgos, A.,  Mehandjiev, N., Valckenaers P. and B. Saint Germain, 2004. THE MABE MIDDLEWARE: Extending multi-agent systems to enable open business collaboration . 6th IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing and Services, Vienna , Austria , 27-29 September 2004.
  4. Karageorgos, A. , and N. Mehandjiev, 2003. A Design Complexity Evaluation Framework for Agent-Based System Engineering Methodologies . Workshop on Engineering So ci eties in the Agents World (ESAW 2003), London , UK , October 29-31.
  5. Mehandjiev N., Karageorgos, A. and G. H. Tsang, 2003. Designing Coordination Systems for Distributed Teamwork . International Workshop on Distributed and Mobile Collaboration (DMC 2003), IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2003), Linz, Austria, June 9-11, IEEE Press, p. 117-122.
  6. Georgousopoulos, C., Rana, O.F., and A. Karageorgos, 2003. Rapid development of FIPA interoperability for an existing legacy MAS . Agent-Oriented Software Engineering IV, Fourth International Workshop (AOSE 2003), held in conjunction with AAMAS 2003, Melbourne , Australia , July 15.
  7. Mostefaoui, K. S, Rana, O. F., Foukia, N., Hassas, S., Serugendo, G.D.M., Van Aart, C. and A. Karageorgos, 2003. Self-Organising Applications: A Survey . Engineering Self-Organising Applications, First International Workshop (AOSE 2003), held in conjunction with AAMAS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15.
  8. Karageorgos, A., Mehandjiev, N, Hammerle, A. and G. Weichhart, 2003. Agent-Based Optimisation of Logistics and Production Planning . 7th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, IMS 2003, Budapest , Hungary , April 6-8, pp 121-126.
  9. Karageorgos, A., Thompson, S., and N. Mehandjiev, 2002. Specifying Reuse Concerns in Agent System Design Using A Role Algebra . Workshop on Agent Technologies for e-services (ATES 2002), held in conjunction with Net.ObjectDays (NODe 2002). Erfurt , Germany , October 7-10.
  10. Karageorgos, A., S. Thompson and N. Mehandjiev, 2002. Semi-Automatic Design of Agent Organisations . In Proceedings of ACM Symposium in Applied Computing, Spe ci al Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications, Madrid, Spain, March 10-14, ACM Press, p. 306-313.
  11. Karageorgos, A., S. Thompson and N. Mehandjiev, 2001. Designing Agent Systems using a Role Algebra , Fourth Workshop of the UK Spe ci al Interest Group on Multi-Agent Systems, Oxford , UK , December 13-15, UKMAS SIG.
  12. Karageorgos, A. and H. Karatza, 1997. Performance Issues of Task Routing and Task Scheduling with Resequencing in Homogeneous Distributed Systems , In Proceedings of the 30th Annual Simulation Symposium, April 6-10, Atlanta , IEEE Computer Society Press, p. 182-192.
  1. Thompson S. ( BT Exact Technologies ) and A. Karageorgos, 2002. Multi-Agent System Design Using Role Models , BT Case Ref. A26117. European Patent Office Patent No. 02704934.5-2211-GB0201048.
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