Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) is an autonomous non-profitable educational unit in the T.E.I. of Thessaly that offers educational services to Higher Education graduates. The Institute is run by one-person and collective governing bodies, supervised by the T.E.I. and financially managed by the T.E.I Education and Research Committee.
Educational / scientific Fields
LLI has just been established and focuses on the following educational / scientific fields:
- Pedagogical Studies & Research
- Engineering Disciplines, electrical, mechanical & structural.
- Geotechnical Sciences
- Management and Economics Disciplines
- Health Care Sciences
- Information Technology
- Exact Sciences
Programme Duration
Studies that lead to a Continuing Education Certificate last up to four (4) months and total up to 75 hours of instruction. Studies that lead to a Lifelong Learning Certificate last up to twelve (12) months and total up to 250 hours of instruction.
The educational programmes will be implementing by permanent academic faculty members from Universities and Technological Educational Institutions, as well as T.E.I. of Thessaly Scientific and Laboratory Associates.
All holders of a Higher Education degree in a related field fulfill the admission requirement for attending the programmes. The Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs sets the admission criteria.
Performance Assessment
Performance in each Subject Unit will be assessed as a combination of a written final exam and a practical assignment for each part of the Subject Unit (theory and workshop) separately, in varied percentages depending on the nature of each Subject Unit. In case of failure, a new exam or practical assignment is given.
Certificates of attendance are granted when the programme has been successfully completed and the certification criteria and procedures have been met.